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6 . 5 . 2021Body and Mind

It is not even necessary to resort to results of studies on the benefits of massages, when patients are unanimous: they know well and do even better!

3 . 9 . 2020Body and Mind

Unwilling to have sex with your partner? Don't worry! In addition to variations in female libido being normal, there are several ways to increase sexual desire.

6 . 8 . 2020Body and Mind

Pompoarism is an ancient technique that focuses on strengthening the pelvic musculature and ensuring more quality of life.

3 . 7 . 2020Body and Mind

There are so many female and male erogenous zones that you can stimulate yourself to light the flame and let it burn for a long time.

5 . 6 . 2020Body and Mind

Spice up the relationship is an expression to designate a series of efforts that can be made to light the flame in a relationship that has fallen in the routine.

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